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Finding and Comparing Percentages Task Cards | Paper and Digital

Finding and Comparing Percentages Task Cards | Paper and Digital

Regular price $5.25 CAD
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Simplify your lesson planning with this set of 72 task cards about finding, calculating and comparing percentages, perfect for Canadian teachers! Designed to help students put items on sale or compare discounts, these task cards are organized into three differentiated decks, with each deck increasing in difficulty. Whether you’re introducing new concepts, guiding students through practice, or assessing their understanding, this resource is a must-have for your classroom.

This money activity includes:

  • percentages task cards: students will need find percentage discounts on money values. Some of the questions require more than one step to get the answer.
  • 72 task cards in 3 levels: Gradually scaffolded for differentiated learning.
  • numbers written in decimal formats ($10.00).
  • SI notation. Numbers have spaces between place values instead of commas. Example: $10 000.00 instead of $10,000.
  • Deck 1: 24 cards: finding percentages for example 25% of $14.00
  • Deck 2: 24 cards: taking off a percentage. For example 15% off $14.65
  • Deck 3: 24 cards: comparing discounts. For example: which is a bigger savings? 15% off $25.00 or 10% off $75.00? These are multi-step questions where students will likely need different operations to get the answers.
  • paper versions: in full-colour option for engaging visuals or ink-saving black-and-white version for economical printing.
  • digital formats: Google Slides™ are interactive for online or blended classrooms or Google Forms™ in a quiz format for instant feedback and effortless marking.
  • answer keys for every question.
  • student answer recording pages designed for students to use any strategy.
  • comprehensive instructions: Includes creative tips for paper and digital use, from group activities to independent practice. We’ve included tips to make it as easy as possible.

Why You Will Love These Task Cards:

  • Aligned with Canadian classrooms: our task cards use SI notation and a decimal point (.) for clarity. They meet Canadian expectations. See below for specific outcomes.
  • Low-prep: ready-to-use formats make lesson prep quick and stress-free.
  • Flexibility:
    • Introduce financial literacy: build foundational understanding with scaffolded decks.
    • Practice and Review: reinforce learning in engaging ways. They make differentiated math practice easy. These make great exit slips.
    • Assess Learning: use for formative or summative assessments.
    • Model Problem Solving: demonstrate effective strategies in whole-group instruction.
  • Engaging: Perfect for centres, rotations, independent practice, or group challenges.

Additional Resources to Support You:

  • technology troubleshooting: Step-by-step solutions for technical issues with digital formats.
  • creative ideas: Suggestions for turning task cards into fun games and collaborative activities.

Perfect for Your Classroom:

These task cards are designed to be adaptable and effective for students across various learning levels, while also saving you valuable time. The mix of printable and digital options ensures that this resource works seamlessly in traditional, online, or hybrid learning environments.

This resource aligns with:

  • Alberta Math Curriculum Grade 6 ©2022
  • British Columbia Mathematics Curricular Competencies Grade 6
  • Saskatchewan Math Curriculum Grade 6 N6.5

This resource supports:

  • financial literacy lessons.
  • any Canadian math class learning about percentages.
  • any Canadian math class learning to multiply money values.

Ninja Note: To access the digital version, download the PDF and click on the link in the file. It can also be used by printing the paper version.

Have a question? Before contacting us, check our Frequently Asked Questions page.

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